5 Future Paths If You Have No Idea What You Want to Do, But Want Better Compensation

Choosing an advanced degree is a big deal. College can be a huge financial and time commitment, and what if you decide you hate your chosen path? Around 30 percent of college students change their major at least once, which can mean they’re in school longer and paying more money. Check out these five career paths that are perfect if you’re not sure what you want to do with the rest of your life.

Quick Read:
If you’re not sure what you want to do with the rest of your life, choose degree programs with options. Degrees in communications, business, computer science, project management, and the humanities offer versatility, options, and a dynamic job market. Want to know if one of these programs is right for you? Venture on and find the info you need in the next few sections.

Choosing a Career Path Doesn’t Have to be Stressful. Here’s How to Make it Work.


In the past, communications degrees were considered an “easy out.” But degrees in general communications, opposed to something more specific like journalism or advertising, give students many more options when job hunting after college. If you like to work with people and dive into the connections between people and businesses, this is an excellent path to take.


Degrees in business are much more versatile than one might think. Students learn basics of finance, marketing, laws and regulations, project management, human resources and much more. Those who take this path get the opportunity to explore a diverse group of skills, and their near-limitless applications.

Project Management

The job opportunities are truly near-limitless with a project management degree. Every type of business in every field needs experienced people to head up their projects, be it finance, technology, advertising, scientific research… The list goes on. If you can’t decide on a specific field and don’t ever want to, project management will let you dip your toes into as many sectors as you want.

Computer Science

Are you the friend people always call when they’re having a tech issue? With a slightly more specialized degree, computer science might be the major for you. Degrees in computer science offer ever-increasing opportunities in our digital world, from gaming, security, software development, and more. Also, if money is a high priority, computer science degrees open doors to some of the highest-paying entry-level jobs on the market.


It sounds both vague and specific, but humanities is the study of us—humans. How we’ve lived, changed, developed, advanced, and more. Human behavior and language also fall under this umbrella, and can lead to fascinating careers studying the world and the people around you. Humanities degrees are also one of the biggest feeders to graduate school, if you want to further your education.

All these career paths and more are available through online degrees. If you want to make a change, or aren’t sure where to start, begin your research today and see what opportunities are out there.